What to expect from the rest of 2020

Gandekko band members standing in Milton Keynes underpass

Up until now, 2020 hasn’t been the greatest year. One of the most annoying side-effects of the COVID-19 pandemic is that live music, and all events that involve people congregating in crowds are off the cards for the foreseeable future. It’s a humongous pain in the backside, but that’s the way it is — so you have to make the most of it. That’s why we’re taking this year to write as much music as possible.

We’ll be releasing our music on all platforms. One of the funny things about being an indie band is that you know full-well you’re not going to make much, if any, money from your music. In the streaming era the big label artists are absolutely raking it in. But, as an indie band you have to see your music as a form of marketing for your other outlets, of which gigging was the most important — nice👌.

YouTube is going to be our main platform. Gavin’s a camera wiz, so we’ll be accompanying every song with a self-made lyric video. Music videos are REALLY hard to film if you’re filming them yourself, so we’ll have to see if, and when, we choose to make them. We’ll be posting acoustic performances, and live performances of our songs. This is something we really enjoy doing. We’ve got a million ideas that we’ll be testing out on our YouTube channel.

Anyway, if there’s anyone out there, thanks for reading, and come say hi on one of our socials. We’d love to hear from you! Stay safe, Gandekko